What Should We Do If the Temperature of the Optical Transceiver Is Too High?

NADDOD Jason Data Center Architect Dec 12, 2022

The operating temperature specifications of optical transceivers are divided into commercial grade (0-70℃), extended grade (-20-85℃) and industrial grade (-40-85℃), but the most practical application is the temperature range of commercial grade and industrial grade. When the operating temperature of the optical transceiver exceeds the specified operating temperature, it will affect the communication quality or prevent normal communication.

What are the effects of high operating temperatures of optical transceivers?

The temperature of the optical transceiver is too high or too low will affect the function of the optical transceiver, making communication data errors, because the temperature of the optical transceiver is not in the normal range will alarm, showing that the optical transceiver is in bad condition, the switch will stop sending data, until the optical transceiver back to normal working conditions will retransmit/receive data.

If the operating temperature of the optical transceiver is too high, the optical power of the optical transceiver will become large, the received signal will be error, or even burn the optical transceiver, resulting in the optical transceiver can not work properly, at this time should increase the DDM function, or choose a temperature control system for its real-time monitoring and compensation, to ensure that the extinction ratio of the optical transceiver and luminous power stability, to ensure the normal operation of the optical communication system.

Causes of high operating temperature of optical transceivers

The following are the causes of high or low operating temperatures of optical transceivers:

Substandard workmanship of optical transceivers

If the optical transceiver uses poor quality materials and poor built-in design will lead to poor heat dissipation and frequent temperature abnormalities. In order to reduce the occurrence of temperature abnormalities in optical transceivers and to avoid unnecessary losses, it is recommended that you choose a more trustworthy supplier when purchasing optical transceivers to protect the quality and performance of optical transceivers.

Reuse of used optical transceivers

Due to the lower price of used optical transceivers, some users choose used optical transceivers for network construction to save cost, but compared to brand new optical transceivers, used optical transceivers are more likely to have temperature sensitivity problems.

How to deal with the optical transceiver when its working temperature is too high?

When the operating temperature of the optical transceiver is out of range, its corresponding port will see the indicator turn red, and we should replace the optical transceiver at this time. The polling period of the optical transceiver is 5 minutes, so we need to wait for 5 minutes after replacing the optical transceiver and then observe whether the port indicator is back to normal. If the port red light is off, it means that the optical transceiver has returned to normal. To avoid the high temperature of the optical transceiver during use, it is recommended to follow these steps.

  1. According to the use of the environment to choose the corresponding transceiver. If it is used in data centers, enterprise rooms, you can use commercial-grade optical transceivers, because data centers, computer rooms will be installed inside the air conditioning to maintain the stability of indoor temperature. If it is used in outdoor, remote mountainous areas, tunnels and other environments with large temperature changes, you need to use industrial optical transceivers, industrial optical transceivers will import temperature compensation software, which is used to ensure that the optical transceiver has a stable supply of operating current, when the temperature changes, the temperature compensation software will take effect.

  2. Check the equipment cooling system, usually with good cooling duct structure and active fan air supply machine, the transceiver temperature will be closer to the ambient temperature, in addition you can check whether the transceiver installation density is too high, consider the high-power optical transceiver interval inserted in the switch port to reduce the local temperature too high situation.

  3. It is recommended to use optical transceivers with DDM function, or choose the temperature control system to monitor and compensate the working temperature of the optical transceiver in real time to ensure the stability of the optical transceiver luminous power and extinction ratio. Usually, commercial optical transceivers are not used in industrial working environment, generally will not appear too high temperature, if the temperature is too high will appear DDM alarm. If you can not view the DDM, you can use a contact temperature probe to measure the transceiver shell temperature (generally the transceiver operating temperature range refers to the shell temperature).